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Privacy Practices - Personal Information Processing Policy

In addition to Digital Realty’s Privacy Practices available here the personal information processing details below are applicable in Korea.

(D) We use your Personal Data for the following purposes and processing activities

  • Visual Information Processing Equipment (CCTV) Operation and Management Policy
    • Digital Realty Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company) will inform you of the purpose and method of use and management of image information processed by the headquarters through the operation and management of image information processing devices.
  • Grounds for installation and purpose of installation of image information processing equipment. In accordance with Article 25 (1) of the Personal Information Protection Act, the company installs and operates image information processing devices for the following purposes.
    • Facility safety and fire prevention
    • Crime Prevention for Customer Safety
  • Number of installations, location, and shooting range, filming time and storage period of image information.
    • Number of installations: 177 units
    • Installation location and shooting range: Building entrance, corridor, data hall, mechanical parking lot, building operation facilities, etc.
    • Filming time: 24 hours
    • Storage period: 90 days from the date of filming
    • Storage: ICN10
  • Management Manager and Access Authority
    In order to protect your image information and handle complaints related to personal image information, we have a person in charge of personal image information protection as follows. Person in charge and contact information:
    • Director of Management: ICN10 Security Management 02) 4769-8028
    • Access Manager: ICN10 Property Management Manager 02) 4769-8002
  • Processing Method: Record and manage requests for the use of personal image information other than its purpose, provision to third parties, destruction, viewing, etc. and permanently delete them in a way that cannot be restored when the storage period expires.
  • Matters concerning the entrustment of the installation and management of image information processing equipment
    • The company entrusts the installation and management of image information processing devices as follows and stipulates necessary matters so that personal information can be safely managed during consignment contracts according to relevant laws and regulations.
      • Trustee: Securitas Korea Co., Ltd
      • Contact: 02) 4769-8028
  • Matters concerning the method and location of personal image information
    Confirmation method: You can contact the person in charge of accessing video information in advance and request confirmation of video information in accordance with our policies and procedures. (However, it is limited to cases necessary for the interests of the urgent life, body, and property of the data subject.)
    • Location: Digital Realty Korea ICN10
  • Measures to ensure the safety of video information
    • The video information processed by the company is safely managed through encryption measures. In addition, the company differentiates access to personal information as a management measure to protect personal image information, and records and manages the date and time of creation of personal image information, the purpose of reading, visitors, and the date and time of reading to prevent forgery and alteration of personal image information.
  • Measures to ensure the safety of video information
    • The video information processed by the company is safely managed through encryption measures. In addition, the company differentiates access to personal information as a management measure to protect personal image information, and records and manages the date and time of creation of personal image information, the purpose of reading, visitors, and the date and time of reading to prevent forgery and alteration of personal image information.
  • Matters concerning the change of operation and management policy of image information processing equipment
    This policy on the operation and management of video information processing devices was established on September 9, 2021, and the reason and contents of the change will be announced at least 7 days before it is implemented.
    • Announcement date: September 9, 2021
    • Effective date: January 28, 2022

(H) Data security

  • Administrative measures: Establishment and execution of internal management plans, operation of a dedicated organization, regular employee training
  • Technical measures: Management of access rights such as personal information processing system, installation of access control system, encryption of personal information, installation and renewal of security program
  • Physical measures: Access control for computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc.

In order to ensure the safety of personal information, Digital Realty implements the following activities in addition to those prescribed by law.

  • Privacy activities: Joint regulatory and self-regulation participation
  • Obtained personal information protection certification at home and abroad: ISO/IEC 27001, ISMS

(K) Data retention
Destruction procedure
The company selects the personal information that caused the reason for destruction and destroys the personal information with the approval of the company's personal information protection manager.
Method of destruction
Digital Realty Korea destroys personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files so that records cannot be reproduced, and personal information recorded and stored in paper documents is destroyed by crushing or incineration with a shredder.

(M) Your rights and how you can exercise them
You may have the following rights in accordance with relevant laws and regulations applicable to your personal information managed by us. You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting the contact information in Section (N) below for the Personal Information Protection Manager.

  • The right not to provide your personal information to us (however, please keep in mind that if you do not provide personal information, the full benefits of the service for concluding and executing a contract may not be able to be provided. Example: Without your necessary personal information, we may have difficulty processing your request.
  • The right to request information about the nature, processing and disclosure of your personal information managed by us, as well as the right to request access to or a copy of such information.
  • The right to request correction of inaccurate parts of your personal information managed by us.
  • The right to request any of the following actions if legitimate reasons exist:
    • Deletion of your personal information managed by us.
    • Prohibition of processing of your personal information managed by us.
    • To the extent applicable, the right to have certain personal data transferred to another entity in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
    • If your personal information managed by us has been processed with your prior consent, the right to withdraw such consent (provided that such withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of processing conducted before the date we received notice of such withdrawal) Please note that we do not prevent the processing of your personal information in reliance on any other available legal basis.
    • The right to file a complaint with the information protection authority regarding the processing of your personal information managed by us.

Rights can also be exercised through an agent, such as the information subject's legal representative or a person authorized to do so. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney according to Form No. 11 of the“Notice on Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7)”.

The information subject may apply for dispute resolution or consultation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, Korea Internet & Security Agency, and Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center in order to receive relief from personal information infringement. In addition, please contact the following organizations for reporting or consulting of other personal information infringement.

  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (
  • Personal information infringement reporting center: (without area code) 118 (
  • Supreme Prosecutors' Office: (without area code) 1301 (
  • National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (
  • Central Administrative Appeals Commission: (without an area code) 110 (

Digital Realty guarantees the information subject's right to self-determination of personal information and strives to provide consultation and damage relief due to personal information infringement. If you need to report or consult, please contact the department in charge below.

Customer consultation and reporting related to personal information protection

Department : DC Operation
Role : CPO, Chief Privacy Officer
Name : June Kim
Contact: 070-4769-8005
E-Mail :

In response to requests made pursuant to the provisions of Article 35 (Access to Personal Information), Article 36 (Correction/Deletion of Personal Information), and Article 37 (Suspension of Personal Information Processing, etc.) of the Personal Information Protection Act, a person whose rights or interests have been infringed upon by a disposition or omission of the head may request an administrative appeal in accordance with the Administrative Appeals Act.

Central Administrative Appeals Commission: (without an area code) 110 (

(N) How to contact us
In order to protect your personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the company has a personal information protection manager as listed below. Individuals can report all personal information protection-related matters that arise while using the company's services to the personal information protection manager and the company will provide a prompt and sufficient response to the reports.

Department : DC Operation
Role : CISO, Chief Information Security Officer
Name : Lee Sung-Jin
Contact: 070-4769-8000
E-Mail :

Department : DC Operation
Role : CPO, Chief Privacy Officer
Name : June Kim
Contact: 070-4769-8005
E-Mail :

Last Updated: March 25, 2024